Sunday, November 8, 2020

Stores Selling Christmas Themed Things Before Remembrance Day Should be Banned

Exactly as the title says. Coming from a military family I think it is extremely disrespectful to sell "happy" themed things (if that makes sense?) on/before a day of mourning.I went to Walmart today and they had their Christmas seasonal things on display near one of the entrances. It bothered me somewhat I understand buying things such as presents early and such, especially in a time such as now. But the Christmas themed things should not be allowed until after Remembrance Day. What you do in your own home is fine, but on public display at a store and such where at the same time currently remembrance Day related things are also being displayed, it could upset plenty of people is what I am referring to with this whole "decorate after Remembrance Day". via /r/unpopularopinion

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