Sunday, November 8, 2020

Let's play a game

==================Let's play a game​“At the northern exit of the city of Pedra Branca, there is a hut where, on Friday nights, you can hear the screams of children in despair. They say that those who enter there are never seen again.”- Said the note containing directions to said place.Juan, a local journalist, reread for the hundredth time the note that was short and to the point, concisely reporting on an urban legend that was growing more and more in that region of the city.Obviously, Juan didn't like that situation since it looked like the beginning of a horror movie, but he really believed that writing about anything other than the damn appearance of fluffies in the local eco system would be a gift, so when he was nominated for that story, he accepted it immediately.Still, he didn’t expect the trip to be that long. Besides leaving the busy city of Pedra Branca, he had to take a dirt road that wasn’t on his GPS, and then drive another half hour until he saw what could be called a hut, even though it was actually a very well-built house.He then parked the car under a grove, hiding the vehicle, and got out of the car to observe the place up close. It was then that he realized: everything was completely different than he had imagined---​In front of the house there was a beautiful garden, filled with flowers of various types and colors, with a parking lot where a beautiful sports car was standing, and next to it could be seen the “hut”, a beautiful two-story house with walls painted light gold and windows on practically every wall, all decorated and stylized.Juan walked to the front of the house and stopped, not quite sure how to react, he was waiting for an abandoned wooden house haunted by some monster that, just like teaching a picture of a talking dog on television, was a harmless lunatic and not looking like a beautiful home that he would want to live in, or perhaps spend the holidays in. He then looked at the note he still carried in his pocket with his pen and notepad."It really isn't a mistake ..." - he said to himself — "Maybe I should go back and talk to the boss about it ..." and started back to his car.It was then that the door opened, and a blonde woman came out with a radiant smile, something that complemented her beautiful figure and fair skin, but after a few steps she noticed Juan, who was standing there in his khaki pants, white shirt and blouse. Of Jockey. She then stopped and watched the journalist carefully, dropping her smile and taking a serious stance."Good afternoon, sir, how can I help you"?"Hi?""I asked how can I help you?""The ... sorry, they gave me an address" - Juan thought quickly of something that would not be strange to be spoken, then took the note and showed it to the woman — "Something about an urban legend, but obviously it is not here." He concluded with a sincere smile.The woman then moved faster than Juan was prepared, and in a few steps she approached the journalist and took the note from his hand, reading it quickly."No ... the address is correct.""What?""Interesting... I'm becoming a legend!" - and she smiled - "But that doesn't explain what you're doing on my property!"“Ah! Excuse me. My name is Juan, and I work for the Journal of Pedra Branca and —“"You were chosen to see what was going on here, weren't you?" interrupted the blonde woman."That. And I was wondering if I could ask you some questions”“A, no problem, it will be a pleasure. Just let me get this here.”- the woman went to the garden and picked some plants, looking back at Juan and signaling for him to follow her — "Call me Alex, I'll make tea for us while we talk".---Juan followed Alex into the house and, as he had imagined, the interior was just as beautiful as the outside, and as he walked down the main corridor, he observed several pictures with pictures where Alex posed with some of those shitty mice, as well as some other humans, people of all colors, types and genders. Interestingly, it seemed to make the house even more beautiful.After walking for a while, they arrived in the dining room, a fantastic room arranged in an octagonal shape where all the furniture, with the exception of the large central table, was in the corners.Alex gave a sign for Juan to sit down, and he happily followed the instruction, so she soon disappeared into the hall and went to the kitchen to prepare tea for both of them. Juan took advantage of this time to appreciate the decor.Wallpapers with smiling patterned suns, an old winding clock, shelves and servants of various sizes, and right next to it, a terrestrial fluffy with green fur and blue eyes and, beneath the eyes, deep dark circles.'What are the fuck, even here these fluffies!' Thought Juan*"go 'way!" — The Fluffy spoke while filling his chest and puffing out his cheeks."Or what?" — the tone of the voice showed how much Juan despises this race of creatures.* "ow hooman wiww get dah wowstes' owwies” stated the fluffy with conviction.A laugh was suppressed by Juan while he heard that little “animal”, even after being invited by the creature's owner, she still dared to threaten him.If this rubbish were his, he would teach him some lessons ..., but maybe a flick on the snout would not be a problem. And that was exactly what he did, kneeling down to be at the height of the green fluffy and, with all the strength of his hands, hit a flick right in the face of the fluffy, who ran whimpering out of the room.Shortly after, Alex returned with a tray containing two cups of tea, and sat down next to Juan, looking into Juan's eyes as he sipped the tea, which was both sweet and bitter, which confused the taste glands of Juan."So ... how can I help you?" said Alex, diminishing his smile"You know, miss ... The newspaper was contacted saying that strange things happen here ...""I see ... that's how it was on the note about children's screams, isn't it?""That." Concluded Juan after drinking all the tea."I really didn't imagine this would happen ... I tried to do everything secretly ..."– Alex put his hand on his chin, thoughtfully."Wait ..." — Juan was worried by the girl's words, causing a little adrenaline to be triggered in his system — "So it's true!"“About children? No"- added Alex -"About the screams? Yes"“Calm down” — shouted Juan,“Either you explain the situation to me or ...”As if programmed, the clock on the wall set off the alarm and almost gave the journalist a heart attack. Alex, on the other hand, was very calm, always smiling.“I already know"— Alex raised his finger in exclamation—“I will show you. Moss!" the woman shouted, and slowly the green Fluffy returned to the dining room.“I'm going to show Mr. Juan the 'show' here. She pointed to the journalist while looking at the fluffy“you are going to take him to the stage, ok. But before ...”Alex then took out his cell phone and quickly took a selfie with Juan“ ok, you can take him now. ”* "yes, mummah, moss wiww take mw. Juan""In the meantime, mommy is going to get ready for a 'show'."She then winked at Juan and patted Moss's head which gave a weak smile, quickly leaving and disappearing in the corridor, leaving the two males alone."Aren't you going to send me away again?"- provoked Juan** “Nu” replied Moss who started walking towards the corridor, guiding the journalist “It doesn't mattah anymowe”"What?"* "mista Juan wiww know."-----And without saying anything else, Moss followed, stopping only to look back and verify that he was being followed by Juan, who was confused about the fluffy behavior that had changed completely.Moss then guided the journalist through the maze of corridors, leading him to a staircase that ended in a beautiful white door. Moss then signaled him to open and enter, something Juan did without thinking and entered.Inside the room it looked like a parallel dimension; a large room with black walls and ceilings that seemed to absorb the light, in the right corner there were several cages from where you could hear the crying that seemed to come from several children, but when you looked closely you could see that there were several fluffies, from all the types, colors and genres, who wept in the midst of excrement.There was a large table with a notebook on and connected to a large camera as well as microphones and spotlights in the center of the room. In front of the camera, a white cloth with various surgical tools and, in addition to the table, a white panel with a small table.*"The stage ..." said moss, pointing with the hoof.Juan then connected the dots and believed that she was one of the people called abusers who, besides torturing fluffies, recorded everything for some obscure reason.All that equipment gave chills to Juan, who began to slowly retreat back to the door, but before he could reach the handle, he heard the door open and turned.He hoped to find the beautiful lady who had offered him tea, but in her place was a strange figure. The entire body was covered in black material and extremely glued, but what scared him most was his face, in which a white comedy mask stood out."Mr. Juan, are you going out before the show?" Said the one that Juan believed to be Alex, even though the voice was completely different, probably due to the use of some modulator.“Yeah… I…” — he tried to say something, but fear stammered ..."Do not worry. The ‘show’ is fun, and you’ll love it” said Alex — "But remember, while I'm dressed like that, call me Arle, okay?""O .. OK..." — What worried Juan the most was the fact that he was stuttering without control, as well as shaking."Moss, are you ready?" Said Arle. Turning towards the camera, where the little green fluffy was.*"yes mummah""So let's start." She then locked the tip and gave a palm"We don't want to keep our fans waiting."Juan was unresponsive, and his exit key was with that woman. He thought and came to a conclusion: he would have to see the ‘show’ until the end. Then he placed himself behind the notebook, next to the fluffy and sat on the floor. Meanwhile, Arle went to the cages in the corner and took a land mare and a foal .* "mommy, can fwuffy gib sowwy hoofsies tu dah button?""Yes Dear. Let's have fun!"---And, as if it were something normal, the fluffy went to the notebook and using his snout I press the button, which turned on the camera instantly. It was then that Juan realized that it was not just a recording ... it was a Stream."Goodnight, my loves! It's me, your muse, Harlequin, but you can from Arle. Today we are going to do something a little different.” She then placed the mare, a fluffy blue fur, and the foal, which had barely hair, in the small iron furniture that was on the "stage".* "pwease, nice miss, nu gib owwies tu fwuffie an' dah babbeh!" — begged the mare"Hum! .." — Arle looked at the camera, putting his finger on his chin— "What do you think? Should we let this worm go free? Or are we going to play a game?”Arle then looked again at the mare who was hugging her little foal and approached her face."Do you want to get out of here?"* "yes, fwuffie wants" the mare cried and hugged the baby."So ..." — she put her index finger on the mare's snout — "Let's play a game!" this last rase was said slowly and deliberately as if Arle was savoring every word.“fwuffie doesn't wike games! fwuffie wants to weabe!”"Ah! .. What a pity ... then you will be here forever ... and I thought that your baby would grow up happy and cheerful ..."‘*won't dah babbeh gwow?”“Oh! By god, no! All babies here sleep forever. Do you want your baby to sleep forever?” The mare shook her head vigorously in negative."So let's play!"Arle then laughed. Juan was watching that, and he was getting nervous by the second, and his head was starting to hurt a lot.* "Ok ... What game?""This one!" Quickly Arle took a rope and tied the mare, making all four legs stretched and immobile, and placed the baby right in front of her."nu! fwuffy nu wike dah game! ”"But I love!"— And she laughed, taking a scalpel and a small spoon— “The rules are simple. You have to reach your baby. If not, I'll get a part of it for myself. When you reach him, you are free, and you will have all the spaghetti in the world! ”* "but fwuffie nu can mobe!""Do you love your baby?"* "mommy wobes babbeh!"“Then you will make it. Never heard that love wins everything?”*"twuth?""Sure!" — Arle then pointed at the foal — "but you have to focus to get it, okay?"---"OK," said the determined mare, who tried her best but didn't move, and in ten seconds, an alarm went off."Too bad, it looks like you don't love the baby enough."*"Nuu!" cried the mare while Arle, with a spoon, carefully removed both eyes from the foal with the experience of someone who had done this several times."Second chance! Yes! I know you can do better!”The mare was in shock, unable to understand that her baby lost his eyesight because of her, all while listening to the foal's cries of pain.* "no, nu gib owwies tu dah babe, dah babbeh am stiww smaww!" cried the mare, who started to stretch her neck and even tried to use her tongue to reach her crying baby, but when the tongue was millimeters from the foal, Arle used the scalpel to pierce the extended tongue to hold her on the table."Tsc, Tsc"- Arle shook his head as he looked at the mare with false disappointment -"you cheated, I never said I could use your tongue ... that means you lost the game."The mare's eyes widened when Arle took the foal carefully and began to pet it."Too bad ... you were going to grow up strong, but due to your mother ..." - she then took one of the legs and, with a quick movement, broke, making the foal scream even more — "you will not grow up ...”That said, she started to break the baby's other three legs, one by one, very slowly, while the foal screamed uselessly. Besides, Arle watched the mare trying to scream with the tongue stuck by the scalpel, but she could only make a few incomprehensible screams as tears came out of her eyes, tears of sadness and pain.Then, with all the care in the world, Arle placed the foal, with its four broken legs, close to the mother, and removed the scalpel that held the mare's tongue."Do you want this baby?""Y … Yes ..." said the mare softly, who suffered from the pain in her tongue."Well ... request denied" and with a fluid movement, the scalpel pierced the baby's head, ending the cries of pain.A cry of despair was all that came out of the mare's mouth, but this one was soon silenced by Harlequin's hands. She then looked at the camera and, her voice raving in joy.“And now, for the main‘ show ’, a special guest!”Moss looked to the side, and Juan realized that he was the special guest. Fear and nervousness washed over him, making him try to get up, but no matter how hard he tried, his body didn't respond. He tried to speak, but failed. The only thing he could do was breathe, blink and grunt.Fear was the only thing he felt.“Ah! I forgot that he is shy! Just a moment, my loves!”Arle then went to where Juan was sitting and dragged him to the center of the stage.“Loves today, I'm going to show you something fantastic!” Arle then pointed at Juan, more specifically, his eyes "I invited this beautiful specimen to my residence and served him my special tea."She then approached the camera as if to tell a secret"You know, my special tea paralyzes the person, but makes him completely conscious!" — she then poked Juan in the face, who closed her eyes — “That is, he cannot move, but he will feel. Each. Second."She came close to the paralyzed journalist's ear and whispered“Mr. Juan, I hope you will forgive me. They wanted something new, in addition to the fluffies, and you were chosen. You will make some people very happy!” — Juan's eyes widened, there was nothing to do"Now…” She pulled back a little and looked at the camera, speaking loudly and confidently. -"Let's play a game!"​​ via /r/fluffycommunity

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