Saturday, November 7, 2020

Working a lot, struggling to cope with stress

I just need to get this off my chest. I’m sorry for the ramble and I hope it makes sense.I work in the mental health field. Basically I assist individuals through crisis management and also supportive housing. It’s fulfilling work and I’ve really thrived at my job.I’m 9 months sober (woo!) and it’s been a process of adjusting and really coming to term with my trauma and my emotions without the use of alcohol.I’m in a healthy relationship with a man I honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with. After so many abusive relationships, it’s odd to finally be in a healthy one but I am learning!I’ve put on 100 pounds due to eating in excess. This is most likely due to snacking after I gave up alcohol. It was bound to happen, but damn did it happen fast. Im getting self conscious about my weight again.On top of all this (good and bad), due to Covid I am being asked to work 50-60 hour weeks (sometimes more) and have been for the past 2 months. There’s kind of no end in sight here - and it’s beginning to take toll.I say this while working a double, my 3rd double this week.I’m tired you guys. Really tired. I have no energy to do things and I’m beginning to get really depressed when I’m not at work in “go” mode.I’m trying to convince my partner to let me put up with the Christmas tree early and the decorations because I feel like it might help, but he doesn’t like them up early and it’s been a sore spot.I’m trying to hold it together and still do laundry, dishes, and have a normal life outside this crazy work schedule. But I’m falling short and I feel bad my partner has had to pick up the slack.On top of that the stress of paying for thanksgiving and Christmas is bringing up old trauma of losing homes with my drug addict mom during the holidays - and I am needlessly worrying about bills (with all the overtime I am definitely alright for now).On top of even that I’m in a high risk environment for Covid and don’t know how much longer I can go without catching it. My coworkers are (if you’ll pardon the expression) dropping like flies and I’m worried I’m next.Is Biden winning a relief? Massively. But I’m already drowning in stress I’m beginning to wonder if I even know how to swim anymore.Does anyone have any tips for really de-stressing? Do I just grit my teeth and do it? via /r/CPTSD

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